L3DT development blog
Large 3D terrain generator

Another progress report

Things left to do for L3DT 2.2:

  • Add more output options (eg JPEG quality, HFF precision, etc)
  • Add two more heightfield export options (PGM and RAW).
  • Fix a bug in the lake flooding.

I think that's about it.

I've tweaked the thermal and fluvial erosion algorithms to produce terrain that one might dare to call 'realistic-looking' (see screenshot).

At a guess L3DT 2.2 should be done by the end of the month.

…Oh yes, and I'll be moving the L3DT website to a new host that doesn't have quite the same download limit as GeoCities. Should be done in a week or two. URL to be advised.

l3dt/2004/jun/09.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 05:55 (external edit)
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